Six reasons why you should buy a medical policy

Here are six reasons that have necessitated buying of medical insurance these days
Six reasons why you should buy a medical policy
Six reasons why you should buy a medical policy

The cost of medical expenses is going higher with each passing year. It makes immense sense to secure yourself and your family against any medical eventuality. The first and foremost thing to do then is to buy medical insurance.

Following are the reasons that have necessitated buying of medical insurance these days:

1. Sedentary Lifestyle: Hectic schedules and sedentary jobs have increased occurrences of lifestyle disorders. Problems related to cholesterol, diabetes, heart, lungs and bones are affecting even those who are under 40.

2. Financial Planning: A good health plan would cover unfortunate accidents and your medical expenses. And you can put your hard-earned into investment options that will help you fulfill your other goals.

3. Much more than just hospitalisation: Health plans these days cover you for day care procedures and OPD, and not just serious hospitalisation. Even vector borne diseases are covered.

4. Catching them young: Health insurance premiums are highly dependent on your age and in fact, there is a steep jump in the premium slab post age 30.

5. Not just group health insurance: Being dependent on just your company’s group insurance is not at all wise. Buy an individual cover which will help your when you are changing jobs.

6. Full benefits: When you buy a health plan, you have to serve several waiting periods for certain surgeries, special treatments, pre-existing illness coverage, etc.

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