Orchestrating The Perfect Symphony

Orchestrating The Perfect Symphony

In a riveting interaction, Vijay Subramaniam, co-founder and Group CEO of Collective Artists Network, talks to Outlook Business about the evolution of talent management, the transformative force of innovation and his compelling vision for shaping India’s entertainment landscape.

From a heavy metal drummer to a media mogul, can you recount the pivotal moments that steered your shift from mechanical engineering to the pulsating world of entertainment?


I owe my journey to music. Starting as a heavy metal drummer at 16, managing my band revealed my knack for marketing. At 19, while still drumming, I realised my passion lay in the intricate beats of media and

entertainment. This realisation became the compass guiding my transition.


As a trailblazer in talent management, how do you perceive the metamorphosis of the industry over the years, and how does Collective Artists Network adapt to these changes?


The late ’90s were mom-and-pop, but the 2000s ushered in agency concepts. We pioneered institutional setup, focusing on empowering dreams, building robust sales networks and curating talent journeys. Collective Artists Network was a visionary leap, not just managing talents but crafting their narratives and career paths. Our approach evolved with the industry, ensuring our strategies remained ahead of the curve.


How does innovation drive your strategies, particularly in the creation of Big Bang Social, and what impact do you foresee on the entertainment landscape?


I feel innovation is extremely critical. With tech democratising content creation, our approach involves

tech-driven discovery. Big Bang Social emerged as a testament to this ethos—a platform connecting talent with opportunities, leveraging the power of the internet. We constantly disrupt our own model, utilising technology for distribution, discovery and nurturing emerging talent. The impact is not just in the present but in paving the way for a dynamic future in the entertainment landscape.


How does the agency thrive in digital tech, sports, music and more? What sets your organisation apart in the evolving entertainment landscape?


We are building reliance for creators—an entire ecosystem. We represent more than 400 clients and have ownership in multiple start-ups. We recently launched a VC fund, besides acquiring Under 25, a platform for students. Our institutional outlook sets us apart.

We are not just a talent management agency; we are architects of sustainable careers, bridging the gap between creativity and commerce.

Our ability to navigate diverse markets stems from a commitment to providing comprehensive solutions and opportunities.


What is your vision for shaping talent management and the entertainment landscape in India, considering the evolving competition and challenges?


We aim to employ 100,000 creators, fostering sustainable businesses. The media and entertainment industry is consolidating currently, and we strive to be power players in this wave of consolidation, mobilising commerce and content, offering long-term solutions to our talents. Our vision is to shape what we call the “creator- verse”, where creators find a home

for diverse talents—from actors to chefs—and our ecosystem becomes a launch pad for dreams, ensuring careers thrive beyond the limelight.

This vision propels us to innovate and adapt, staying at the forefront of the industry’s transformation.

Outlook Business & Money