Will my previous claim history impact premiums and claims of my travel policy?

Normally pre-existing diseases are excluded from overseas travel insurance
Will my previous claim history impact premiums and claims of my travel policy?
Will my previous claim history impact premiums and claims of my travel policy?

I was hospitalised for around two days during a trip abroad last month. I will be travelling abroad again later this year; will my previous claim history impact the insurance for the next trip?

Rishabh Goel, Noida

Normally pre-existing diseases are excluded from overseas travel insurance. So, depending on the nature of hospitalisation in your earlier trip, the insurance for the next trip may or may not restrict the cover. If the hospitalisation in your earlier trip was owing to nothing unusual or of high risk, the policy for the next trip may not be impacted. However, if the 2-day hospitalisation was for a condition which may recur, say a cardiac ailment, the insurer may deny you a policy or charge you a higher than basic premium for the same.

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