Key Benefits NPS Offers At Retirement

Outlook Money

National Pension System

NPS is a government-backed retirement savings scheme offering monthly pensions and lump sums at retirement.


Retirement Benefit

After reaching the age of 60, the subscriber can withdraw up to 60 per cent of the accumulated NPS funds in a lump-sum and the rest must be invested in an annuity plan for monthly pensions.


Death Benefit

If subscriber dies, the nominee will receive the accumulated NPS corpus, provided the subscriber selects a nominee.

Benefits payed on Death

Premature Closure

In case of premature exit, the subscriber is allowed to withdraw only 20 per cent of the funds and the rest must be invested in annuity.

Premature exit

Systematic Withdrawals

The SLW plan allows the subscriber to withdraw the funds at a pre-determined frequency or age. The subscriber can choose to receive the money in monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly modes.

Compiled By Himani Verma

Timed Withdrawals

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