9 Tips For Seniors Planning To Buy A Health Policy

Outlook Money


Compare policies by insurers to pick the best one for you, both cost and feature-wise.

Insurance Premium


If you are 50 or older, a health check-up is mandatory for buying a policy.

Health Check-Up

Pre-Existing Diseases

Check for the waiting period of pre-existing diseases for the coverage to kick in; these limitations vary from one company to another.

allergies, diseases

Payment Options

Consider your existing and post-retirement medical costs before choosing options like deductible or co-pay.

Payment options


Check the maximum age limit, as some policies may not offer coverage after a certain age due to higher risk.

Renewal Policy

Hospital Network

Check the policy's hospital network before deciding.

Insurance Network

OPD Costs

Check if the Outpatient Department Expenses (OPD) is included in the policy or provided as an add-on benefit.

Insurance Claim

Claim Settlements

Consider the insurer's claim settlement history, payment ratio, paperwork, and other formalities.


Benefits & Rewards

Before deciding, check the company's no-claim bonus policy, sum insured, reward points, and free health check-ups.

Compiled By Himani Verma

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